Sunday, February 28, 2021

In the Oven with Crystal

1. I'm currently selling my work. If anything particular shot, any model, or any set interests you, please email me at 

Just tell me what interests you & I'll see what I can do. I try to work within people's budgets but I'm also not going to like give them away for pennies on the US dollar.

2. This is Crystal.

I'm weird & get random stupid ideas. Sometimes after explaining them, I have models who are adventurous enough to take me up on said ideas. This shot arose from one of those times.

After I a few test shots, the models just weren't getting what I had in my head. I pulled them out & to illustrate better what I wanted from them, I physically got in the oven myself. THAT was when they got it! LOL.

I almost never pick out my model's wardrobe but I later thought the blue star socks being the same shade as this model's undies was a pleasant surprise.

Years later I'd submit this same piece & hang & frame it in a small local show & was told the piece was the most complained-about. Yet out of the 12 others pieces submitted, this was my mother's favorite. She found the concept of a person physically getting in an oven hysterical.

Rear ends illicit very strong opinions apparently.