Thanks goes to MOFYC for emailing the following Washington Post article.
Two politicians arguing over one of those symbolic, (usually) noncontroversial measures that happens all the time. Apparently the Maryland representative wanted to pass some motion wishing the U of Maryland men's basketball team good luck during their March Madness Tournament appearance (they were eventually bounced in the 2nd round). The California representative opposed it because he had his own symbolic resolution rejected earlier this year.
For those of you at home, my facial expression is the same one I used when "baby-dangling" entered the American Lexicon.
If this story wasn't already retarded, I'm sharing some comedic quotes (intentional or otherwise) that I caused me to choke on my coffee from laughing:
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.), who was on the House floor for the whole exchange, decided to stay out of it. "I will keep myself totally neutral as a graduate of the University of New Hampshire," she said.
Here's another quote from the House Majority Leader's PR office:
Republicans are staying true to their 'Party of No' doctrine: Whether it's health care, job creation, or basketball, Republicans aren't for anything.
& no, this is unfortunately not an April Fool's joke.
In other news...
This here is Brittany doing her thing.
She's one of those fun, little sprites where you can just let her go on autopilot & follow along. Those kinds of people make my job easy.

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