The Senate Democrats ran & won on a reform platform that included redistricting reform in 2008 but never got around to it. Senate Republican, then in the minority, in a rush to embarrass the opposition signed Ed Koch's NY Uprising pledge that addresses this very issue.
My how Fortuna is fickle!
W/ the 2010 elections, their positions are reversed. Senate Republicans are the ones stalling on redistricting reform & the Senate Democrats are the ones rushing to embarrass the opposition.
This would almost be comical if the consequences weren't so important to our democracy.
In other news...
This is Nicole, doing a helluva balancing act wearing heels. We were shooting in a place we probably shouldn't have been but thankfully went off w/o a hitch.

Feel free to comment away if you so desire.
Hahaha.. I Love you! Lets shoot soon, Seeing im out of work with this whole Blood clot. I miss you Boo!! :]
Uhm.. "My how Fortuna is fickle!" ??
What does that meeean!! lol
"My how Fortuna is fickle!" What does that meeean!!
Its a Roman saying. Fortuna is the Roman goddess of fortune or luck.
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