I give you the example of State Senator Betty Little, R-Queensbury & my own representative.
She said, "(Gov't) is now beyond dysfunction. It is madness, or something."
I don't disagree w/ her sentiment. However, one could argue that she is just as much a part of the problem as the very people she's attacking.
Senator Little could have contributed in solving this dysfunction if she had the intestinal fortitude switched sides & would have been hailed as being above the childish fray by citing *holding hand over her heart* "for the good of the taxpayers of NY" when her own Legislative chamber couldn't act like mature adults. As was shown, that didn't even remotely happen.
Senator Little could have alleviated the state's budget crisis by voting "yes" on the State Senate's Same Sex Marriage bill. After all, people do need to pay a fee (among other things) to legalize their marriage. To say nothing about how macabre that some lowlife like State Senator Monserate who was found guilty of misdemeanor assault for slicing up his girlfriend's face w/ a piece of glass can be allowed to marry yet two homosexuals who love each other cannot. I guess "equal protection under the law" means "equal protection for some people but not others."
As the saying goes Sen Little, "Fix your own darn house before you start worrying how others are doing." If you are bankrupt of ideas or do not have the courage to put them through, you should tender your resignation for someone who is willing to step up.
Following picture I feel is quite in line w/ the theme of this blog:

Feel free to opine, critique, whatever any part of this blog so long as people can civil adults.
1 comment:
It's telling that for her first six years in the senate, she found nothing wrong. Of course, she was in the majority party then...
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