The conflict holds a certain fascination for me. The new weapons developed in the hope that they'd give each side a "decisive victory". The piss poor leadership sending their men to the slaughter, long after any tangible results evaporated. The major players making backrooms deals to anyone & everyone w/ no intention of keeping those promises. The horrendous living conditions both sides fought endured both in the trenches & on the homefront.
It plays out like a Greek tragedy. The character motivations compelling them one step closer to their own demise.
November 11th was originally called Armistice Day in remembrance of that conflict but has been rightfully changed in 1954 to Veterans Day. The focus shifted in honoring the World War I conflict to ALL living veteran.
In other news...
This is an oldie but goodie of Ceri.
She had this independent actress thing to her personality where I could just give her a set of general directions & she'd go to town w/ it. It definitely made my job as a photographer easy.

Feel free & comment away on any part of this if you so desire.
This is very beautiful, but I find it distracting that one of her breasts is exposed. I'm not opposed to nudity in any way, but I found that out of place in this photo.
I guess we just have different definitions of "exposed breasts". Woman on the beach show more skinage than what you're seeing here.
But this is not at the beach. This was a classy shot, and very well done, with that exception. Maybe I should have said "so exposed." The amount of cleavage is not the problem, it is more so that just one of her boobs is popping out and looks like it is falling out of her shirt, rather than that it was done on purpose.
Though I respect what you're saying, having her "boob popping out the way it is" doesn't remotely bother me, nor I feel remotely detract from the image.
If I were to crop out her "exposed boob", I lose the visual impact of her hanging her. I feel that would be a worse picture in terms of a visual impact.
Just how I see it.
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