Monday, February 11, 2019

Bye Bye Tumblr, Hello again Blogspot

I was willing to give Tumblr's new policy guidelines a try but today, I've gotten a notice that several of my photos violate their new standards. Including this "highly offensive" shot of two actresses enjoying a tender moment shown below.

I could appeal but since half that gallery would no longer meet their new standards, its simply no longer worth my time continuing to update. I still fully expect to lurk (because where else am I going to get my daily Star Wars fix)...but like, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm done with Tumblr.

All that being said, I've decided to restart my blogger. I never actually left, I simply stopped posting mainly because it took an astonishly great deal of effort to muster outrage (faux or otherwise) about the controversy of the day. This is not to say that I don't care, I don't consider myself a gifted writer & have always had trouble articulating what I'm thinking into words. Nor is it really helped that I rush to publish things without a decent edit. :o)

I have no idea as to what form the latest incarnation this blog will take but I have a psychological need to showcase my work for the public even if no one reads it.

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