Monday, February 18, 2019

Carly O'Neil NYC

I have an (arguably) bad habit of when engaged in a compelling conversation, I completely lose all track of time.

My shoot with Carly Erin O'Neil in her NYC apartment went something like chat for 20 minutes, shoot some, chat for 30, shoot a little more, chat for undisclosed amount of time & discovered we'd reach the limit of our previously agreed upon time frame. She's simply one of those creatively mesmerizing individuals that captures my imagination.

I'm sure I easily could have shot more but that'd simply mean more pictures I'd have to edit...& I absolutely HATE editing. LOL

From what she told me, the shoot was emotionally significant because this was her first "real" shoot back from a trauma-induced professional hiatus. For those who know her, its not exactly a state secret but I'll leave the rest of the story to her if she so chooses.

Here's one of the shots from that shoot.

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