In a completely unrelated topic...
When I work, my aim is to get my subjects to subconsciously drop their everyday armor. This often takes the form of us simply chatting. Other times, I'll ask questions that get them to open up about whatever.
Hearing Jenny discuss her life was endearing. She had such zest in how she described her family life, her home, her kids, her neighborhood, among many other things. It turns out, her husband has North Country NY roots as well as being college buddies to my own city councilman. Small world considering Jenny's based in the Southeastern Massachusetts coast.
My shoot w/ her is another of those laid back chat, shoot, chat, break, get munchies, shoot some more, get under shelter because of the crappy weather, rinse, recycle, repeat.
I'm picking this shot below because it allows me to tell an anecdotes:

The above was taken on the MA coast in Jenny's region. A few seconds before it was taken, she is shouting (barely audible over the crashing waves) warning me of an incoming tide. I wasn't worried (& told her so) in the hopes I was able to get the shot I was looking for, specifically having the waves crash in the foreground w/ her in it. I got the shot I was looking for & my lower body was drenched in the process.
It was worth it & yes, I had the foresight to bring flip-flops & a change of pants during that trip.
Feel free to comment, opine, criticize if you so desire. All I ask is that you keep it civil.
so wheres the shot?! id love to see it :)
Need to scroll down towards the bottom. Let me know if you still don't see it.
no no- i mean the shot with the waves breaking in the foreground :)
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