Simply lots. But in no particular order:
- my siblings. Though I'm sure I drive them nuts & they periodically drive me nuts, I'd rather have them than not.
- my parents. Though it can be rough at times, I'm grateful that when the chips are down I can depend on them if need be.
- my subjects. Their participation in some of my crazy ideas allow me to participate in my craft & allow me to give my unique vision to the world.
- my brushes w/ the law. As someone who has gotten numerous speeding tickets & cops questioning why I'm tramping around dilapidated buildings, none have ever gone so far as to put me behind bars for long periods of time. Maybe its because they were nice or I managed to slither my way out somehow but I'm not really sure which not that I'm going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
- my community. Not to loud. Not to crazy. Enough activities to keep me occupied when I come out of my hole. Close enough to travel places when I want. Not for everyone but it works for me. The autumns make it all worth while.
- my life. No matter how crappy I THINK my life is, I'm grateful in knowing there's always someone out there that's worth off than me. That brightens my spirits knowing I'm not as bad as them (in that perverse sorta way).
This is Shannon indulging me in my love of working in forgotten spaces. The costume is her idea.
I'm tentatively calling this, "Searching for the Last Post-Apocalyptic Trick."

Feel free to comment or opine or critique, if you so desire. Just act like adults & leave a name when doing so.
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