Maybe I was dropped as a child. Well, in fairness no, I probably wasn't. However it wouldn't at all surprise me if it stems from me eating Play-doh as a kid or whacking myself in the head one to many times w/ a Matchbox car or eating paint chips or something. Yes, I was THAT kind of child.
During my most recent visit w/ Samantha, her fiancee Ryan had this idea involving a feather, a piece of twine, & a leaf. Somehow w/ just that alone, I had this vibe that me & him would get along just fine.
Stuck for specific ideas but always playing w/ relationship dynamics, I gave them a reverse Pocahontas storyline. The age old savage meets civilized man (or in this case woman), savage threatens man, man civilizes savage, man & savage fall in love. Its quite Victorian minded if I do say so myself, though that theme has been around since well before Babylonia. I just let them run w/ it & see where it took us.
I'm choosing this shot because I really like their body language.

Feel free to opine, comment, criticize so long as one can be a civil adult. As well as leaving at least a first name so I know who's commenting. :-)
Oooo- I love this udea Matt! The ONLY suggestion I have is her clothing, he's so indigenous clothing wise (well, from our knowledge anyways) and she seems very 'party version of Pocohontas'.
Again, I love this idea- it looks like a Axe add or something (although the roles would be reversed I suppose. Anyways- miss you and great job!
oooh yea I agree with the above comment. Try it again, but put her in a woman's business suit with some sweet high heels :)
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