I cannot think of anyone that I graduated w/ (or those that graduated a year after) that is working in anything remotely what they schooled for or getting paid remotely comparable to those that were 2 or 3 years ahead of us.
It certainly makes me wonder if it is as it was cracked up to be. A part of me really thinks that I pursued a Bachelors more so because it was expected, as opposed to it being the best for me. Everyone I know (& some still do) immediately think that a 4-year degree will translate into a meaningful job.
That's simply not the case. I think its really more about marketing & how one sells themself & who people know than it is about the actual qualifications (though that can help).
Seriously, I've heard & see more people start wincing when they look at my resume that denotes I have a bachelors...this is even before they ask what the bachelors is in. I even heard one guy refuse to interview me because "if you're educated, you're more likely to leave for something better." & uneducated people aren't?
Then there's the other place of employment where I turned in my job app & resume & w/n 24 hours, they had already decided & snail mailed my rejection letter. There's also the super who kept putting me off for 21 straight days of followup calls, only to tell me that "I'm sorry, we already hired for that position 2 weeks ago." You couldn't have told me this when I talked to you 14 days ago? There was also the establishment that had a cattle-call of applicants, only to tell us that she'd already hired the first 15 people she took during the first cattle-call 2 days ago. Thanks for having me waste my time in filling out the paperwork as well as the drive up. I think my favorite was the workplace that flat-out offered me a job, only to have it rescinded 3 days later because HR & the applicable department weren't on the same page. Try telling that to the roommates w/o looking like your full of BS. LOL
Just trying to keep my head up but it sure can be difficult, especially after banging ones head against the wall for so long.
All I can say is thank god, I basically have only myself to worry about right now (as opposed to having a child or wife to help support).
In other news...
This here is Kelsey taken while I was in Boston.
Yes, you've seen this before but I took that one down because in hindsight, that entry was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to emo.
Granted everything is relative but it just seemed like that place in time found me in a better psychological state than I have been lately. I just feel really isolated lately as if I don't know who to trust. Or it just seems like people constantly want things from me that I cannot or am not in a position to give. Or it seems like when I go to collect favors that people owe me, they find ways to weasel out of them.
Anyways, I also like this shot because its teasing in some way & also reminds me of a time when even though I have about the same worries, they seemed half way manageable & less stress associated w/ them than they currently are.

Feel free to opine, comment, critique if you so choose.
1 comment:
I've heard it argued that the bachelor's degree has been devalued because so many people are getting it and that colleges are lowering their standards (in grading and the like) to keep their "customers" happy. As such, I've heard it described that the bachelor's today is what a high school degree used to be in many professions. Supply, demand and quality thereof.
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