The song of the same name really puts a whole another spin to it. Its like walking w/ a swagger, the badassness, & harkens imagery of Clint Eastwood's legendary "the Man w/ No Name."
Wasn't it General Douglas MacArthur who once said, "The promotion, cultivation, & application of ones own mythology can be quite useful." If only I had known! Man, I should have taken that name & ran w/ it. LOL
In other news...
This here is Deborah, an accomplished photographer in her own right.
This entailed shooting her in brand new (to her) dress that she picked up for $20 buck. So new that it still had the tags on & hadn't had time to get it tailored for her frame.
In ever "improvise, adapt, & overcome" mentality (thank you Gysgt Highway, see Clint's "Heartbreak Ridge" for the full meaning), we did so test shots where we didn't bother to zip up the back (a nod to Marilyn Monroe in "Some Like it Hot") but it just wasn't doing anything for me. Finding some safety-wire, we corseted up her dress & commenced wandering around the apartment complex inside & out & having a grand ol' time.
Below is one of those completely random moments that still brings a smile to my face.

Feel free to opine, critique, discuss whatever. Just please leave at least a first name so I know who I am addressing if I need to.
1 comment:
It worked really well because it was intended to be the abbreviation of "Tagalong 'n trouble" but had the double meaning of how you'd blow up when you get mad. Pretty clever... hehe...
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