For your entertainment pleasure:
- "I thought the Married w/ Children show was stupid and that the character Peg was a self absorbed Narcissist."
- "I don't really like BJ's (the store) because everything comes in gigantic size or they come in packages of gazillion."
- (in reference to my ongoing series where girls dresses in fancy dresses in rundown buildings) "That dress does not fit an abandoned building, too pretty for the scene."
- "I hated the movie Knocked Up. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about (the Seth Rogan character). It didn't help that all his friends were complete assholes."
Here's one of those outfit pieces that "doesn't fit", not that I'm losing much sleep w/ what complete strangers think these days. As long as I'm pissing off a certain segment as well as a completely different segment is diggin what I do, I think its safe to say that I'm on the right track.

Feel free to comment, opine, critique, whatever. I guess I'm a feedback whore like that. *wink*
I understand what you're saying but for some of those comments, what the people are actually saying is that they DON'T like or agree with the point in question. For example, as someone who lives alone, BJ's huge quantities is not the benefit to me it might be to someone with a family. I know what its point is. It just doesn't work for me.
Is that not like me going into a known gay bar & then complaining that I cannot get a girl to give me her phone number?
They advertise clear as day what they are. You buy the membership for the store (one which you cannot get into the store). Yet complain about exactly what they are.
Would that not fall under the "No sh**, Sherlock" catagory?
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