Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen leaves a lot to be desired. I wasn't expecting Oscar material but I was hoping for some entertainment that would keep me distracted for a couple hours. Unfortunately, Director Michael Bay couldn't even do that. The movie was one of the most vomit-wretching flicks I've suffered through in sometime.
There are some movies that can totally sustain themselves on special effects alone (like the Tomb Raider franchise) or whose plot is so incoherant it keeps you in your seat just so you can have the gratification of have the mystery revealed (like Mission: Impossible 1). Transformers 2 was not one of them.
There was no first act. Way to many new characters that were never named. There was no glimpse of building up for the second act, nor did the creators make us care. The McGuffin, the object that means everything to the characters & drives their actions but means next to nothing for the audience, was nonexistant. When a movie spends over 15 minutes w/o releasing their foot off the gas pedal (that's not the movie's climax) & never allowing us to understand why they're fighting, its just not promising.
I gave up after the first 70 minutes. The movie might be a worthwhile movie to watch while high (especially w/ all the crazy robot creatures that transform back & forth) but even that's a stretch. About the only thing that I found remotely interesting was the Shia LeBouf/Megan Fox relationship on the rocks & the tension it creates but even that was not enough to salvage this piece of schlock.
I honestly feel dumber from having watched this movie.
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1 comment:
Watching (what I could of) this movie left me with one word: bloated.
The first one was pretty good. The second one was just way over the top, pretentious nonsense.
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