They gave a stink back during the Beijing & the Sydney games that their ratings were crappy because of the 10-13 hour time difference (ahead of us). W/ the Vancouver Games, they are 3 hours behind & they have less coverage than than they did in 2000 (Sydney), 2002 (Salt Lake City), 2008 (Beijing).
Disclosure: I was hardly aware of the 2004 Summer Games in Athens, so I cannot say one way or the other in how it was covered.*
Course considering this is the same network that eased out the Late-Night rating leader because "it was his time" (as if there's like an expiration date that does not include death), hired his replacement, made a big tadoo about his arrival, shift the "expired" late-night's leader in a spectacular flop in prime time, only to not only fire them both, but then turn it around like it was the new guy's fault, & thus shift the flopee to his old job, the crappy sports coverage shouldn't surprise me.
Its even more pathetic when said results are plastered all over the news media before the actual event can be seen.
I was hoping to see more of the skiing events because A. I'm kinda a speed junkie, B. its just plain cool to watch, & C. its one of those things that's really cool to watch but am kinda have a phobia about doing it myself (its the breaking a leg thing that would probably happen).
In other news...
This here is Jenny.
She's always had this classy mom-thing going for her. Whenever she'd talk about them (or her husband for that matter), her body language would just light up. They were very endearing moments.
She's also an avid tennis player, so I decided to combine the classiness w/ my trademark randomness to get this shot.

Feel free to opine, critique, whatever. Just please leave a first name so I know who to address, if I choose to do so.
In fairness, coverage of Sydney and Beijing was more expansive because the Summer Games are significantly huger than the Winter ones.
For example, Vancouver has 86 events and 2600ish athletes.
Sydney and Beijing had 300+ events each and over 10,000 athletes.
Maybe I'm just ornery but I'd sure like to know what the Curling Market is here in the U.S.? Because they were televising that over cooler speed events like the various skiing ones as well as the Skeleton (basically the Luge only you're going tummy down & head first).
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